You Could Share Your Story!

Share Your Crystal Story Here

Would you like to share your crystal stories? What crystal or stone do you love the most?

Healing Crystals For has been covering a range of crystals, with information on how you can use them.

Share Your Crystal StoriesShare Your Crystal Stories

But I know that there are probably many different ways that you use crystals. Have you got a special crystal? Why is it special?

If you'd like to share information about ways to use your special stones, go to the section below.

Many of you may find that you have been having experiences that are a little different since you started using crystals.

Some of these may even be termed strange or a little weird? is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Would You Like To Share Your Experiences?

I would love to hear about your experiences with crystals. Have you some interesting information on crystals, that you know others would like to hear?

Have you an interesting crystal photo, like this picture of Septaria? Would you like to share your story, and tell everyone the interesting facts behind the photo?

Maybe you simply have a passion for crystals, and have been using them for years. No one except people who love crystals can understand! Share your story with people who understand like we do!

Perhaps you are a healer and would like to share how you use crystals for healing. High vibration crystals are some of my favorites.Do you use crystals or stones that have a high crystal energy?

Would you like to tell everyone how you have benefited? And those amazing psychic crystals.

Have you been developing your psychic powers and how has using a particular special crystal helped to develop your psychic gifts?

How do you use your crystals?

You Could Share Your Crystal Stories!

Maybe there are other people out there who would benefit from knowing what you do. I have told you how I use crystals and stones. Now its your turn!

Have a look at the links below. If any of these inspire you to share, please tell everyone your story.

Tell Your Crystal Story

Would you like to tell your crystal story about the crystal or stone that you love the most! Like to share how you use your favorite stone? 

Have You Used Crystals To Aid Healing?

Write about the way you have benefited from using crystals and how this may help others.

Developing Your Psychic Powers

How have you developed your psychic powers?

Have you used crystals to aid you to develop any psychic gifts.

Share your story on using your psychic crystals.

Using The Power of Crystal Energy

How do you use high vibration crystals and what are the benefits?

Have you a favorite high crystal energy stone, and how do you use it?

Share  your story on using high vibration crystals.

Note: You can upload pictures along with your story. HOWEVER only original photos that you have permission to use and share will be published.

Please do not copy images from other sites without the permission of the owner. I also won't publish pages that have links in to other sites.

Also note if you are just asking a short question, this is not a story and it also will not be published. This also applies to very short stories, so if yours does not go up its because its not long enough.

Like To Share Your Story?

Maybe your story doesn't fit into the above. Use the general crystal story page below to share with others, who love crystals as much as you do. Your crystal stories will be converted into a web page!

What Is Your #1 Absolute Favorite Crystal?

Do you have a #1 favorite crystal, and why

Do you have a general story about crystals.

How you found an unusual or rare stone not covered here

Or some other interesting story that others who love crystals as much as you do would like to hear about?

I look forward to hearing your Top Crystal Story! Thank you in advance for sharing!

Have You A Favorite Crystal or Stone?
Share Your Story Here!

Have you a crystal or stone that you just love! Are you a healer who uses crystals? Share your special story or tips here, about how you use your crystals.

What Other Visitors Have Written

Click on links below to see some great crystal stories. These were written by other visitors to this page. You can share your story too!

EMDR With Crystals  
Hi, After reading your post about trauma and healing I used Rhodonite to help with my throat chakra. After the first session of EMDR it felt like an asthma …

Interesting Experience With Covellite 
I’d never heard of this crystal until I started researching for a crystal meditation to clear out past negative experiences & energies I might be holding …

Petrified Wood Cracked In Half During Meditation  
Hi to anyone reading this. Something very strange happened today. I meditate with crystals placed on my chakras and lately I have been drawn to place …

Clear Quartz Point Grew Yellow Mass During Full Moon 
During the worm moon last night, I was charging my crystals. This morning I pulled them out of the window sill to find a yellow-green mass growing in the …

Salt Lamp 
Many years ago I worked in an office, I have had many jobs and this was by far the most energy sapping job I have ever had. There were 8 of us on this …

Crystals Are Living Beings 
First of all, Liz, once I found your site I use it exclusively for learning and I want you to know how your crystal work is appreciated. I have been studying …

The Power of Crystals: What Causes the Extreme Physical Reactions and Dizziness?  
I was inspired to write this post after a string of incidents experienced by my boyfriend (Shawn) at various crystal shops. Exploring the wonders of crystals, …

Healing Crystals To Support Your Work 
Lately I’ve been in the habit of keeping stones with me. Depending on where I’m going and what I’ll be doing, I will pick a stone to keep in my pocket …

My Labradorite pendant & using Carnelian for Telekinesis? 
I feel fear or anxiety when I look at my silver wrapped large Labradorite with a tiny Topaz. I first saw it online, because I was looking for Elven jewellery …

Aqua Aura Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Herkimer Diamond 
I am new to crystals but have always been fascinated by them. Just to give a little background about the story I am going to tell (warning it going to …

Storage Solutions: The Jewel Condo 
I've been reading about the crystal storage problem and the wonderful ideas others have had. I'll be working on my own crystal garden soon. This idea may …

Cool Sensation when wearing a Lemurian Seed 
Hello, my name is Ruri and I want to share some story of mine. Also, a couple of questions behind. I am collecting crystal from September 2015. Among of …

How Malachite Stone Changed My Life And Luck. 
4 years ago I was a non believer or I just saw stones as eye candy but now that I had a series of success stories, I am a truly convinced that a stone …

Spots on my Clear Quartz 
I bought a clear quartz a few weeks ago, cleansed and charged it. Last week I made it into a beautiful necklace. Today I noticed my crystal has gained …

Nuummite Versus Copperlite 
I recently purchased a beautiful Nuummite ring on a popular auction website and to my dismay, when it arrived, it was Copperlite from India. They are both …

Welcome to the New World.  
A month ago my granddaughter and I went on a shopping spree. She said she wanted some things from the this Crystal shop. I thought, "ok, I'm game". Stones …

Strange Changes In My Clear Quartz 
My daughter and I received a group of stones from my mom to cleanse my house with and just enjoy. A week ago, I took out my clear quartz and held it …

I'm in love with my stones........  
Hi I'm Niki from South Africa and I never knew why I loved playing with stones. I was so attracted to them, could stare at them for hours. Playing with …

Lemurian seed crystal and its side effects.  
I bought a lemurian seed crystal and amethyst. I put them both on chains and wore them, then took them off and went to bed. The next day I put them on …

Help...beneficial or just strange? Seraphinite 
Hey I have a question and it's been bugging me for a couple years now. I keep circling back to it thinking that it couldn't have just been something in …

Moldavite Effects 
Hi, I was drawn to Moldavite for a long time so I purchased a piece and have found it very powerful. But, to the tune each time I use it, initially I feel …

Which crystals do I need to choose? 
Hi.... My name is Anfal. I would like to ask about the crystals that I need to choose for changing my life and get my wishes into reality. Also I am …

Feeling like I can't control myself 
I have a citrine crystal. Every time I touch this crystal I feel like I'm getting weak, nauseated, dizzy, like I'm going to pass out. I also have a …

Intuition and Crystals 
Intuition had helped me in my journey with crystals. We all have intuition, we use it all the time. We just don't realize that we are using it. We …

Click here to write your own.

Crystals, about how you can use them. 
Crystals have been around forever! Some people see them as pretty stones that don't really do anything. Living in the crystal world you soon discover …

Odd Feeling With Moldavite 
About 3 days ago I received a package in the mail with a moldavite ring in it. I cleansed it before just in case any negative energy was captured and I …

New to crystals. Too much too soon. 
Hello, I recently had a soul chart reading and was told that I have a "gift" etc... I was instructed to learn how to open my third eye. I have been …

I Have Two Questions 
Hi, I have some questions to ask about crystals. So I decided to number them: Question 1: Aside from fire agate what crystals can be used to bounce …

Ruby / Raw Stone Question. "Recorded" vs. "Corundum" 
Liz, I'm looking to purchase a ruby, raw version, but have been told that I should consider the "recorded" vs. "corundum." My gemologist said that the …

Siberian Jade Problem 
I used my free-form tumbled Siberian Jade on my heart chakra for the first time last night. I'm still new to the whole chakra business but I've been a …

Damaged Rock Crystal That Is Clearing And Growing Before My Eyes 
My Damaged Rock Crystal Photo's Thanks Richard from Cape Town

A Few Crystal Questions 
I am generally quite new to crystals, although I have been researching a lot as of late and have a few questions about particular stones. What are your …

Throat Chakra Stone broke....what does it mean? 
So I have all these stones that are each for a healing purpose. I activated them months ago. I like to carry them all in a small bag together in my bag …

Raspberry Quartz 
At home, I have a small collection of crystals and fossils. I pay little attention to them now a days during my busy weeks, but I had picked up an interest …

How Golden Healer Lemurian choose my daughter to be her keeper 
Hello, I want to share my story about how I bought a Lemurian (she weights 100g) and she has the most beautiful golden color. I was buying lightning …

Crystal on the back heart chakra 
Crystals were always my obsession and great love. I have horehounds of them, because I have collected them for more then 20 years. My favorite ones …

Very new... 
For the last long while I've felt the urge to buy myself some crystals. Not knowing why at all I just felt a certain need almost desire unlike anything …

My life, advice needed :) 
Hi! I am David from Spain. I was always interested about minerals since I know my mind. I can remember back things from I was 1 years old. When I was …

So, I have had this Pietersite for some time now. I feel that there are many reasons as to why I should work with it... but every time I begin carrying …

Growing Pentagonite... Any Theories or Explanation? 
I have purchased a cluster of Pentagonite on matrix. When purchased it had 3 smaller 1/4 inch crystals flowers. It's been in my home for a year, and now …

Water and Atacamite  
Hello. I just recently purchased an Atacamite stone. After receiving the stone I poured water over it.. which I feel like I shouldn't had done that... …

Have you ever come across certain crystal stone(s) that make you feel sick? 
Hello, I have been advised by my families and friends that I should wear black tourmaline, since I am always a sensitive soul who picks up a lot of different …

Incompatible Crystal Combos??? 
Hello Liz. Some say that certain crystal combinations may be incompatible. That some crystals may nullify each other properties or even have disharmonious …

Damaged Amethyst 
Hi all, I am new to crystals and have enjoyed reading this site. I recently purchased an Amethyst and put it outside to cleanse in the moonlight before …

Any advice for my lovely obsidian? 
Hi all! A few years back I bought this obsidian pendant necklace in Mexico City. I HAD TO HAVE IT. I bartered with the street seller and bought it at an …

My path to my enlightenment  
My story started when I was looking at different thing on YouTube when came across a "Guided Meditation by Drunvalo Melchizedek", the awakening the Illuminated …

Angels in, demons out! 
Having successfully shielded myself for the last 2 years from troublesome spirits that were invading my dreams, I have been using black tourmaline mainly, …

I have a question, Magnetite vs. Hematite  
I've talked to people who sell magnetite OR hematite jewelry for healing. They always claim that the one THEY are selling is better than the other. …

I just purchased a crystal that was labeled Arogonite. I don't know anything about it but was drawn to it, can you help me find if it has any healing …

Click here to write your own.

More A Question Than A Story... I Need Some Help 
Hello, I'm an avid believer in crystals and am trying (for the first time) to create a crystal "chip" necklace for general protection from negative …

My Story About Variscite  
I would like to write about my experience with Variscite. This stone became for me one of the most important stones. I think it is rather inconspicuous …

Crystal Amethyst Opened My Spiritual Psychic Abilities, I Just Didn't Know! 
I recently purchased a purple amethyst stone from the Spiritual store nearby. I bought a bigger piece. We had to move so I put it in a tub and nearly forgot …

My Story About Blue Kyanite 
When I read article about Liz and her passion for crystals I remembered one thing, how my real passion for crystals started. I think I have loved stones …

My Favorite Gems  
Hello all Gem and Crystal lovers! Over many years I have been collecting stones wherever I go, in shops, markets, or even straight from the earth! Sometimes …

Crystal Story About Crystals 
Hi Liz, I am passionate about minerals and all sorts of stones in general and of course about healing crystals too. So it is very hard for me to choose …

Using White Crystals To Enhance My Clairsentience 
I use white quartz crystals to help protect me and enhance my ability to use Clairsentience! I come from a long line of psychics but for some time I never …

Arizona Diamonds the Herkimer Diamonds Sister In The SW 
This is just to share this with you. There is a place in Northern Arizona called Diamond Point in the river bed we use to find beautiful Arizona diamonds. …

Do Crystals Move By Themselves? 
Has anybody else noticed that their crystals move by themselves? A couple of weeks ago, I found myself in a crystal shop and felt compelled to have …

Question About Kyanite 
Hi! I have recently read your article about Throat Chakra Stones For Improved Communication Abilities here: throat chakra stones . You mention that …

A Question About Reading Energy 
I don't have a crystal story but I wanted to ask if anyone might know if is there is any sort of “machine” that you could recommend that “sees” and reads …

Crystal Headaches 
I need advise. If I am in a store that sells crystals, minerals and the like, I sometimes get a sharp headache after walking around the store. I either …

Which Crystal? 
Hi everybody Throughout my life I've always had this feeling that there's something missing - like I want something, but I don't know what it is I want. …

My peridot broke in half - what does it mean? 
This morning I did my solar plexus chakra healing with my peridot, stone for abundance and prosperity. Afterward, I wanted to keep it with me for a while, …

Absorbing Negative Energy 
Hey there. My mom carries around loads of negative energy which she creates herself and absorbs from others, so much so that it's hard being around her …

Stand Up For Myself? 
I often have dreams where I'm physically intimidated and bullied by big, tough men, and am unable to defend myself or stand up for myself. I do recognise …

Lumerian Seed Quartz WILL Blow Your Socks Like It Did Me! 
I have been looking through the internet for any information on the Lemurian Quartz because I have few of them. And I wanted to find out more about them …

Dream Resolution 
I've had great relief from disturbing dreams of being attacked by demons and bad people etc since using the protective stones like Fire Agate and Obsidian, …

What Is This? 
I bought this as a key-fob years ago, but have only recently become interested in crystals. As I don't believe in coincidence, I thought there must be …

Danburite Broke In Half?  
I am new to crystals and I find the advice on here amazing. Since I got my crystals I have been keeping them in a pouch close to me or under my pillow …

Favorite Crystals 
Hello, Well I wanted to share this. When it comes to chose a crystal it is so hard to pick... its like I love them all and each one has certain beauty …

Moldavite, Dreams And Guides/Spirits - Help? 
Hi everyone, I've recently acquired a Moldavite pendant... it has three pieces - raw, polished and faceted and I have been wearing it for the last two …

Awesome Change Came About In
Smoky Quartz!
Oh am I ever grateful for places like this! Bless you for your efforts here. You do give a great deal to people on their journey. I became aware of crystal …

My Rose Quartz 
Two crystals I have always been drawn too are rose quartz and bloodstone. So needless to say, I have many pieces of rose quartz placed around my home. …

New To Crystals 
Hi, just wanting a bit of advice, I have stumbled upon this brilliant website which I believe is part of my spiritual journey that I am beginning. I was …

Click here to write your own.

Help! How do I Properly Store All My Crystals And Stones?  
Hello! Can someone help me? I have many many healing stones. I am keeping most of them on a window sill or small shelf where my stones can be exposed …

Help! My Brand New Amethyst Cluster Cracked In Half! 
Hi everyone, I recently purchased the most beautiful Amethyst cluster. When I brought it home I cleansed it in a salt water bath for about an hour and …

Rough Crystals 
My story really is more a question. Why regardless of whatever type of stone it is - do I somehow "feel" that a "rough" crystal is more powerful than the …

My Strange Ruby 
When I lived in Toronto I bought a low grade Ruby. It's energies seemed to grab at me, and in fact I can remember wanting a Ruby when I was a youngster …

My Experience With Green Malachite 
I bought a Malachite chip bracelet and started wearing it at night time. I suffer with insomnia and and have trouble getting off to sleep, - and even when …

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

Thank You! I Appreciate Your Visiting My Site!
In my articles I may recommend various items that I use and love or that I feel are of value to my readers, and I earn a commission for purchases made through links on this page. 

FTC Disclosure:  If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction: at no added cost to you. Thank you!  Read My Affiliate Disclosure Here

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Any information that may be found anywhere on this site is not presented as a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

Never disregard advice from your medical professional or delay seeking medical advice because of anything you may have read on

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